She flirts like a butterfly and stings like a bee!
In a quick follow-up to Monty's interview with Heroes of the North series creator Christian Viel, he pressed a bit to get one of the characters featured at their Fan Expo booth aside to spill some words.
The lovely Marie-Claude Bourbonnais (who plays the villainess Hornet on the show) was dressed in full costume and stealing some glances from male and female con-goers alike. Had to find an image to attach, because otherwise it just wouldn't be fair to our listeners.
The show has been developing into a sort of G.I. Joe meets the Avengers, with a Canadian spin, of course. This season started out with the origins of each of the superheros, and now has brought in their rogues gallery. Including the lovely Hornet, who works for Medusa Industries, where all the bad shit goes down.
Listen to her interview here. And while you're at it, subscibe to us over here at iTunes.
If you like what you hear about the show, watch the episodes over at their website and you can also listen to our review of their show way back in Episode, the Third.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
Limited Release
A podcast highlighting web series and the indie industry. While we both work in the industry we are sharing our opinions of these series and films as watchers only. These opinions do not reflect the opinions of our employers, sponsors or audio engineer.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Bonusode - Heroes of the North Pt. 1
In the earlier days of LR, we reviewed a series called "Heroes of the North" as they were just emerging.Now, months later, we get to catch up with them again and find out what they've been up to behind the scenes.
Series creator Christian Viel gave as a healthy dose of update on what the maple-flavoured superhero league has been up to. They've been steadily releasing new episodes but also dishing out comics online for side-story goodness. And a brief word on the possibility for season 2. Then Monty got a date with one of the series villains...
...but that's for part two. To be continued!
Listen for it here. Or subscibe to us over here at iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
...but that's for part two. To be continued!
Listen for it here. Or subscibe to us over here at iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Bonusode - "Dead Genesis" Reese Eveneshen & Peter Szabo @ FanExpo 2011
Man, that Reese. Good friend of mine he is. Funny guy. He kills me everytime we see each other., for real. He literally KILLS me every single time we cross paths. He smiles, waves hello and then stabs me. Or guts me. Sometimes he gets fancy and slits my throat. At least in a mocking-gesture kind of way.
Nevertheless, normally this kind of behaviour would be alarming, but if you ever met the guy you would understand perfectly. A good way to get a glimpse of his twisted world would be to watch his latest flick, the zombie-apocalypse horror "Dead Genesis".
Reese has been making movies for years, most of them of the horror variety. Now I don't mean just "keep-you-up-at-night" horror. More like "ah-so-THIS-is-what-it-feels-like-to-have-my-mind-fucked" horror. Hm, actually feels tingly.
The story breaks down like this: the zombie invasion has already happened. Didn't see that coming, did ya? What, did you sleep through it? Yup, the world has become overrun with the walking dead and humanity has been reduced to small factions of soldiers who continue to fight the "War on Dead". Jillian Hurst is our attractive heroine (yay!), a documentarian who joins up with a group of zombie-hunters called the Deadheads. Capturing their interviews and activities on camera for a propaganda film, she witnesses the brutality of the war through their eyes.
And blood! Oh, a-and guts! And eating children! And lots and lots of zombies biting, tearing, clawing, ripping, maiming, groaning...!
Oops, drooled a bit on the keyboard there.
Dragged him and the producer, Peter Szabo, away from the booth to ask them more about the movie and what the future holds for it. FYI, about 4 minutes in Reese and I started getting into a sarcasm-battle. I kinda kicked it off by implying that he was new to the horror genre. This was a blatant lie, but neither of us wanted to give in to the other so it kind of just kept rolling. This guy fucking lives in the horror genre. Eats brains for breakfast.
Listen for it here. Or subscibe to us over here at iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca., for real. He literally KILLS me every single time we cross paths. He smiles, waves hello and then stabs me. Or guts me. Sometimes he gets fancy and slits my throat. At least in a mocking-gesture kind of way.
Nevertheless, normally this kind of behaviour would be alarming, but if you ever met the guy you would understand perfectly. A good way to get a glimpse of his twisted world would be to watch his latest flick, the zombie-apocalypse horror "Dead Genesis".
Reese has been making movies for years, most of them of the horror variety. Now I don't mean just "keep-you-up-at-night" horror. More like "ah-so-THIS-is-what-it-feels-like-to-have-my-mind-fucked" horror. Hm, actually feels tingly.
The story breaks down like this: the zombie invasion has already happened. Didn't see that coming, did ya? What, did you sleep through it? Yup, the world has become overrun with the walking dead and humanity has been reduced to small factions of soldiers who continue to fight the "War on Dead". Jillian Hurst is our attractive heroine (yay!), a documentarian who joins up with a group of zombie-hunters called the Deadheads. Capturing their interviews and activities on camera for a propaganda film, she witnesses the brutality of the war through their eyes.
And blood! Oh, a-and guts! And eating children! And lots and lots of zombies biting, tearing, clawing, ripping, maiming, groaning...!
Oops, drooled a bit on the keyboard there.
Dragged him and the producer, Peter Szabo, away from the booth to ask them more about the movie and what the future holds for it. FYI, about 4 minutes in Reese and I started getting into a sarcasm-battle. I kinda kicked it off by implying that he was new to the horror genre. This was a blatant lie, but neither of us wanted to give in to the other so it kind of just kept rolling. This guy fucking lives in the horror genre. Eats brains for breakfast.
Listen for it here. Or subscibe to us over here at iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Episode, the Nineteenth
Welcome once again, you dozens of tens!
Limited Release - Now surfing the interwebs while we record for you. Behind the times a wee bit, aren't we? Who knew the internet could distract one from being productive?
This past weekend we attended the Simply Syndicated podcast meetup in Toronto. Candice went a little bit squee-crazy meeting some of the voice talents from Masters of None, Nerd Hurdles and a few others. Admittedly, these guys had some smooth voices. They had me at "hello", too. We also needed to represent Guelph and show face amongst the big boys.
When last we left you, we were recovering from what is clinically known as "review confusion". And it came from this riddle: what do you get when two completely separate series make the same, equal claim to infamy?
Infamous the Series gets its chance this time around, but it's already off to a rough start with its lack of a website (we've commented on this in the past). This is a bit of a gem for us in that it is genuinely entertaining, has a couple of names attached here and there, and surprisingly is not as popular as it probably should be.
Remember when the world ended back in 2009? Everybody caught this weird skin rash and guys in hazmat suits invaded and started carrying people away? In case you don't, The Apocalypse Diaries can help you recall those good times. Refreshing to see the "post" removed from "post-apocalyptic" story for once. It uses a webcam setup, but that may be forgivable if you get to the episodes that involve audience submissions.
Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes and leave us a comment or two. Some suggestions include "Hey!", "Hello" and the ever-popular "Heyhey".
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
P.S. While we're off the topic, if George Lucas is going to continue changing the krayt dragon noise from Star Wars IV over and over, Monty wants to nominate this as the next sound byte used. Tell me that wouldn't be hilarious and unexpected.
Limited Release - Now surfing the interwebs while we record for you. Behind the times a wee bit, aren't we? Who knew the internet could distract one from being productive?
This past weekend we attended the Simply Syndicated podcast meetup in Toronto. Candice went a little bit squee-crazy meeting some of the voice talents from Masters of None, Nerd Hurdles and a few others. Admittedly, these guys had some smooth voices. They had me at "hello", too. We also needed to represent Guelph and show face amongst the big boys.
When last we left you, we were recovering from what is clinically known as "review confusion". And it came from this riddle: what do you get when two completely separate series make the same, equal claim to infamy?
Infamous the Series gets its chance this time around, but it's already off to a rough start with its lack of a website (we've commented on this in the past). This is a bit of a gem for us in that it is genuinely entertaining, has a couple of names attached here and there, and surprisingly is not as popular as it probably should be.
Remember when the world ended back in 2009? Everybody caught this weird skin rash and guys in hazmat suits invaded and started carrying people away? In case you don't, The Apocalypse Diaries can help you recall those good times. Refreshing to see the "post" removed from "post-apocalyptic" story for once. It uses a webcam setup, but that may be forgivable if you get to the episodes that involve audience submissions.
Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes and leave us a comment or two. Some suggestions include "Hey!", "Hello" and the ever-popular "Heyhey".
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
P.S. While we're off the topic, if George Lucas is going to continue changing the krayt dragon noise from Star Wars IV over and over, Monty wants to nominate this as the next sound byte used. Tell me that wouldn't be hilarious and unexpected.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Bonusode – Elize Morgan @ FanExpo ’11
Even though it was the end of the weekend and she was exhausted from running a game all night, Elize Morgan (creator of Pretty in Geek) was nice enough to give Monty the dish on her upcoming and highly-anticipated comedy series. Yes, it's about gamers and dice-rolling...but there are girls in it! Let that sink in for a second.
We here at LR have reviewed a healthy number of webseries based in the realm of gaming, but this is indeed a rarity. Their booth always had a couple of the show's "dice babes" around, which doesn't do a good job of explaining why then it took me all weekend to get to them. But it was a treat to keep stopping by over and over again.
And to top it off, after talking with both Elize and Stefne (who plays "Anna"), Monty gets to roll for damage...
Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
We here at LR have reviewed a healthy number of webseries based in the realm of gaming, but this is indeed a rarity. Their booth always had a couple of the show's "dice babes" around, which doesn't do a good job of explaining why then it took me all weekend to get to them. But it was a treat to keep stopping by over and over again.
And to top it off, after talking with both Elize and Stefne (who plays "Anna"), Monty gets to roll for damage...
Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes.
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Bonusode - Rob Hunt @ FanExpo '11
LR was at FanExpo the other weekend. And so were many, many other people worth talking to. So let this be the first of a few bonusodes to come.
Monty was able to run around and chat with a good handful of web series creators while in Toronto. The convention did a good job of making the web-filmmaking community feel welcome amongst the nerd hordes.
Rob Hunt (director of Standard Action) was found wandering the exhibitor's booths, so he was stopped and questioned exhaustively. He gave up news on the supposed season finale of SA premiering that weekend at the Expo and the future of Edda, Fernando and their adventuring party's...adventures.
Listen to the bonusode here or check it out on iTunes - Now with 85% less Jobs!
Monty was able to run around and chat with a good handful of web series creators while in Toronto. The convention did a good job of making the web-filmmaking community feel welcome amongst the nerd hordes.
Rob Hunt (director of Standard Action) was found wandering the exhibitor's booths, so he was stopped and questioned exhaustively. He gave up news on the supposed season finale of SA premiering that weekend at the Expo and the future of Edda, Fernando and their adventuring party's...adventures.
Listen to the bonusode here or check it out on iTunes - Now with 85% less Jobs!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Episode, the Eighteenth
Nick has been traveling to nerd heaven while Candice has been eating at cardiac heaven. Hear a recap of the deep fried goodness Candice ate while Nick recaps his time at FanExpo on this new episode. The jury is still out on who had the better weekend, discuss.
After a quick tease of the bonusodes to come that Nick recorded at FanExpo we move on to our first webseries of the night, Meet the Mayfarers, which is straight up weird, and that's a good thing! It's incestuous and occasionally completely wacky and everyone is sleeping with everyone else. And sometimes they do it in turkey costumes. Mmmmm, turkey.
Then we move on to Infamous the Series, or wait maybe it's Infamous Web Series. What? Two shows with the same name? This is confusing. Which one was Nick talking about when he suggested watching Infamous?
Way back in Episode, the Eleventh we reviewed The Game Rev and they let us know about another project their producers worked on called Infamous the Series. Meanwhile Nick has been traveling to conventions and meeting people all across North America and met John Chambers of Infamous Web Series while at GenCon.
Turns out Infamous Web Series was the show Nick meant for us to watch, but after hearing a brief description of Infamous the Series he's decided we may come back to that one and do a proper review.
And once again Nick and Candice are divided on whether each show is good. Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes and take a second while downloading to leave us a review!
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
What? A new email address? Yes, we agreed the reason people rarely email us is because they only had to type 31 characters and that just wasn't enough. So we came up with a longer email address! You can now type 33 characters!
Also, keep an eye out for our new website as we get it looking all super duper.
After a quick tease of the bonusodes to come that Nick recorded at FanExpo we move on to our first webseries of the night, Meet the Mayfarers, which is straight up weird, and that's a good thing! It's incestuous and occasionally completely wacky and everyone is sleeping with everyone else. And sometimes they do it in turkey costumes. Mmmmm, turkey.
Then we move on to Infamous the Series, or wait maybe it's Infamous Web Series. What? Two shows with the same name? This is confusing. Which one was Nick talking about when he suggested watching Infamous?
Way back in Episode, the Eleventh we reviewed The Game Rev and they let us know about another project their producers worked on called Infamous the Series. Meanwhile Nick has been traveling to conventions and meeting people all across North America and met John Chambers of Infamous Web Series while at GenCon.
Turns out Infamous Web Series was the show Nick meant for us to watch, but after hearing a brief description of Infamous the Series he's decided we may come back to that one and do a proper review.
And once again Nick and Candice are divided on whether each show is good. Listen here, or right click to save. You can also subscribe to Limited Release on iTunes and take a second while downloading to leave us a review!
You can join in the discussion at our Facebook page, on Twitter or by email at backtalk at limitedreleasepodcast dot ca.
What? A new email address? Yes, we agreed the reason people rarely email us is because they only had to type 31 characters and that just wasn't enough. So we came up with a longer email address! You can now type 33 characters!
Also, keep an eye out for our new website as we get it looking all super duper.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bonisode - GenCon '11

They must have fallen for Monty's ruggedly-handsome looks and Robert Goulet-like voice, because they followed him all the way to Wizard World in Chicago last weekend. Almost the entire weekend went by before we got a chance to sit down and chat officially, but even at the tail end of the con they were still full of energy and willing to spare a few minutes for LR.
Listen to the interview here or download through iTunes. Check out their website for the trailer of Once Upon a Time in 1972 and see some of their awesome merch available. They've got KVL brandy sniffers, people! These are some classy, stylish bitches!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Episode, the Seventeenth
Let's talk about relevancy, baby!
Our audio engineer, Soch, hath returned from his much-needed vacation and therefore Candice and Monty have returned to the web-air.
Monty has been off traveling to several conventions. getting opportunities to meet some beautiful webseries folk, like David Nett (Gold the Series, Night of the Zombie King) and Mike Fly & Simon Fraser (Sexy Nerd Girl), not to mention Valerie Lapomme herself.
While Candice has joined up with a girl gamers guild, including former LR guest Lovina Yavari. What a suh-weet job!
One series that has been on our radar since the very beginning (way back, like a whole 2/3 of a year ago almost!) has finally made it into one of our episodes, Vampire Mob. Just fresh into its 2nd season, the mockumentary-style vampire crime drama has been very determined in delivering itself to the world.
About this time, it's important to note that a debate has been sparked in this episode which has not been settled (like anything does between the two of us) but is bound to resurface for many episodes to come. For extra reading material on the subject (i.e. ETEWAF), I refer our listeners to the following article by Patton Oswalt over on Wired Magazine.
The debate in question was brought on by our review of the fantasy-comedy JourneyQuest by Dead Gentlemen Productions. They were kind enough to give us a DVD copy of the entire 1st season when we ran into them at GenCon in Indiana!
Check out our episode here, or subscribe in iTunes. Follow us on twitter @lmtdrelease or on Facebook. For the time being you can still reach us by email at limitedreleasepodcast at gmail dot com.
Our audio engineer, Soch, hath returned from his much-needed vacation and therefore Candice and Monty have returned to the web-air.
Monty has been off traveling to several conventions. getting opportunities to meet some beautiful webseries folk, like David Nett (Gold the Series, Night of the Zombie King) and Mike Fly & Simon Fraser (Sexy Nerd Girl), not to mention Valerie Lapomme herself.
While Candice has joined up with a girl gamers guild, including former LR guest Lovina Yavari. What a suh-weet job!
One series that has been on our radar since the very beginning (way back, like a whole 2/3 of a year ago almost!) has finally made it into one of our episodes, Vampire Mob. Just fresh into its 2nd season, the mockumentary-style vampire crime drama has been very determined in delivering itself to the world.
About this time, it's important to note that a debate has been sparked in this episode which has not been settled (like anything does between the two of us) but is bound to resurface for many episodes to come. For extra reading material on the subject (i.e. ETEWAF), I refer our listeners to the following article by Patton Oswalt over on Wired Magazine.
The debate in question was brought on by our review of the fantasy-comedy JourneyQuest by Dead Gentlemen Productions. They were kind enough to give us a DVD copy of the entire 1st season when we ran into them at GenCon in Indiana!
Check out our episode here, or subscribe in iTunes. Follow us on twitter @lmtdrelease or on Facebook. For the time being you can still reach us by email at limitedreleasepodcast at gmail dot com.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Episode, the Sixteenth
Remember us? We used to do a show where we watched and reviewed web series... now we do a show where we chat chit for 20 minutes and spend 8 minutes reviewing web series.
Nick tries valiantly to carry the episode while Candice is struggling with a sharp jabbing pain over the left eye and the need to spew.
We start off by covering Polaris 25 which happened recently in Toronto (July 16th - 18th) and spend a fair amount of time talking about the folks at Sexy Nerd Girl and their multimedia, or transmedia, story development. Hopefully it won't be long till we can cover this show officially.
Also represented at Polaris was upcoming web series Pretty in Geek, previously covered by us Tights and Fights and one of the shows we review in this episode, Standard Action.
Nick makes a brief mention of his moment of stardom on stage during the Constellation Awards.
Eventually we make it to the reason we have gathered. Standard Action and Blood and Bone China. The little amount we spend discussing the shows in no way represents how much we enjoyed them.
Check out our episode here, or subscribe in iTunes. Follow us on twitter @lmtdrelease or on Facebook. For the time being you can still reach us by email at limitedreleasepodcast at gmail dot com.
Nick tries valiantly to carry the episode while Candice is struggling with a sharp jabbing pain over the left eye and the need to spew.
We start off by covering Polaris 25 which happened recently in Toronto (July 16th - 18th) and spend a fair amount of time talking about the folks at Sexy Nerd Girl and their multimedia, or transmedia, story development. Hopefully it won't be long till we can cover this show officially.
Also represented at Polaris was upcoming web series Pretty in Geek, previously covered by us Tights and Fights and one of the shows we review in this episode, Standard Action.
Nick makes a brief mention of his moment of stardom on stage during the Constellation Awards.
Eventually we make it to the reason we have gathered. Standard Action and Blood and Bone China. The little amount we spend discussing the shows in no way represents how much we enjoyed them.
Check out our episode here, or subscribe in iTunes. Follow us on twitter @lmtdrelease or on Facebook. For the time being you can still reach us by email at limitedreleasepodcast at gmail dot com.
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